
ס ˾ a(chn)ƷϢ a(chn)Ʒ S܇g a(chn)O Y|(zh)su “(lin)ϵʽ
l(f)rg2012-2-20 13:59:39

151 GB/T 866-1986 ^T () Oval countersunk head rivets--Black
152 GB/T 867-1986 A^T Round head rivets
153 GB/T 868-1986 ƽF^T Cone head rivets
154 GB/T 869-1986 ^T Countersunk head rivets
155 GB/T 870-1986 ^T Oval countersunk head rivets
156 GB/T 871-1986 A^T Flat round head rivets
157 GB/T 872-1986 ƽ^T Thin head rivets
158 GB/T 873-1986 A^T Oval head semi-tubular rivets
159 GB/T 874-1986 120^T 120 degree countersunk head semi-tubular rivets
160 GB/T 875-1986 ƫƽ^T Thin head semi-tubular rivet
161 GB/T 876-1986 T Tubular rivets
162 GB/T 877-1986 _βAFN Taper pins with split
163 GB/T 878-1986 ݼyAN Parallel pins with external thread
164 GB/T 879-1986 ԈAN Spring-type straight pinsSlotted
165 GB/T 880-1986 N Pins with split pin hole
166 GB/T 881-1986 βFN Taper pins with external thread
167 GB/T 882-1986 NS Clevis pins with head
168 GB/T 883-1986 FNioȦ Lock rings with cone pin
169 GB/T 884-1986 ioȦ Lock ring with screw
170 GB/T 885-1986 iȦioȦ Lock rings with screw and circlip
171 GB/T 886-1986 SȦ Rings for shoulder
172 GB/T 889-1986 1 ͷǽǶioĸ Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts (with non-metallic insert),style 1
173 GB/T 891-1986 oSȦ Lock rings at the end of shaft with screw
174 GB/T 892-1986 ˨oSȦ Lock rings at the end of shaft with bolt
175 GB/T 893.1-1986 ÏȦ--A Circlips for holes--Type A
176 GB/T 893.2-1986 ÏȦ--B Circlips for hole--Type B
177 GB/T 894.1-1986 SÏȦ--A Circlips for shaft--Type A
178 GB/T 894.2-1986 SÏȦ--B Circlips for shaft--Type B
179 GB/T 895.1-1986 䓽zȦ Roundwire snap rings for hole
180 GB/T 895.2-1986 S䓽zȦ Roundwire snap rings for shaft


181 GB/T 896-1986 _Ȧ "E" rings
182 GB/T 897-1988 p^ bm=1d Double end studs--bm=1d
183 GB/T 898-1988 p^ bm=1.25d Double end studs bm=1.25d
184 GB/T 899-1988 p^ bm=1.5d Double end studs bm=1.5d
185 GB/T 900-1988 p^ bm=2d Double end studs bm=2d
186 GB/T 901-1988 Lp^ B Double end studs (clamping type)--Product grade B
187 GB/T 902.1-1989 ֹú Weld studs for manual welding
188 GB/T 902.2-1989 Cӻú Weld studs for arc welding
189 GB/T 902.3-1989 ܺú Weld studs for capacitor discharge welding
190 GB/T 921-1986 䓽ziȦ Round wire circlips
191 GB/T 922-1986 ľgl Specifications for wood screws
192 GB/T 923-1988 wĸ Acorn nuts
193 GB/T 925-1988 piĸ Self-locking nuts,hexagon light
194 GB/T 927-1988 iĸ Self-locking nuts,hexagon sphere
195 GB/T 929-1988 ζаiĸ Self-locking nuts,singlelug, anchor
196 GB/T 930-1988 pаiĸ Self-locking nuts,twolug, anchor
197 GB/T 931-1988 аiĸ Self-locking nuts,angle, anchor
198 GB/T 932-1988 ܆ζаiĸ Self-locking nuts,singlelug, anchor, sealing,
199 GB/T 933-1988 pаiĸ Self-locking nuts,twolug, anchor, sealing
200 GB/T 937-1988 ɽM΄аiĸ Self-locking nuts, anchor, floating,Gang channel



201 GB/T 938-1988 ΄iĸ Self-locking nuts, floating
202 GB/T 939-1988 ζаiĸo Boots for self-locking nuts, singlelug, anchor
203 GB/T 940-1988 pаiĸo Boots for self-locking nuts,twolug, anchor
204 GB/T 941-1988 аiĸo Boots for self-locking nuts,angle, anchor
205 GB/T 943-1988 iĸgl Procurement specification for self-locking nuts
206 GB/T 945-1976 ʮֲ^ Screws,cross recessed,thin raised cheese head
207 GB/T 946-1988 _A^Sλ Slotted raised cheese head with shoulder
208 GB/T 947-1988 _A^ Slotted large raised cheese head screws
209 GB/T 948-1988 _۳^Ó Slotted countersunk head screws with waisted shank
210 GB/T 949-1988 _۰^Ó Slotted raised countersunk head screws with waisted shank
211 GB/T 950-1986 ʮֲۈA^ľ Cross recessed round head wood screws
212 GB/T 951-1986 ʮֲ۳^ľ Cross recessed countersunk head wood screws
213 GB/T 952-1986 ʮֲ۰^ľ Cross recessed raised countersunk head wood screws
214 GB/T 953-1988 Lp^ C Double end studs (clamping type)--Product grade C
215 GB/T 954-1986 120^T 120degree countersunk head rivets
216 GB/T 955-1987 Ώ Wave spring washers
217 GB/T 956.1-1987 Fio Countersunk external toothed lock washers
218 GB/T 956.2-1987 FXio Countersunk serrated external toothed lock washers
219 GB/T 959.1-1986 Ȧgl--Ȧ Specifications for ringCirclips
220 GB/T 959.2-1986 Ȧgl--䓽zȦ Specifications for ringRound wire snap rings
221 GB/T 959.

